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31-01-2019 ALCEA invests in upgrading its services, launching the ALCEA Web Services project, including the use of cloud services

ALCEA Web Services (AWS): this is the new project ALCEA launched with the goal to offer  services that are always more innovative, safe, and cutting-edge to its clients, staff, agents and suppliers.

The ALCEA Web Services project, started in 2018,  has the goal of developing a series of web cloud services that can significantly improve and enrich user experience, improving access to information related to the ALCEA products, but not only. The project, which makes heavy use of the most  advanced technologies now available on the market, wants to offer its clients, staff, agents and suppliers, a series of highly performing tools that meet the most varied requests of the market and clients.

A significant step forward in reaching this goal was made with the development of the new company’s product search: ALCEA Web Services-PRO is the new product search system that offers high performance in terms of  flexibility, speed and reliability.

ALCEA Web Services-PRO, starting January 31, is officially online and accessible through the company  website from the computer, tablet and mobile phone.

By accessing the reserved areas, each user will be able to download technical product sheets, obtaining  detailed information on the product.

The ALCEA’S IT team has been working to further improve the service with the addition of new search fields, with always more advanced and specific fields in line with the needs and requests of ALCEA clients.

Visit the product search page on the website and  access the innovative world of ALCEA Web Services

ALCEA Web Services-PRO, it is part of the larger ALCEA Web Services project that uses Amazon Cloud technology.

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