UFI labeling – January 1, 2021
It is mandatory, for the European area, to label with UFI codes. To understand what…
ALCEA invests in upgrading its services, launching the ALCEA Web Services project, including the use of cloud services
ALCEA Web Services (AWS): this is the new project ALCEA launched with the goal to…
14-07-2018 Mordovia Arena a Saransk RUSSIA 2018
One of the most colorful stadiums built for the RUSSIA 2018 World Cup, is the…
21-07-2017 Going To School On The Island Of Love
Architect Enrico Lucca's project foresee the construction of a multifunctional school on the island of…
14-06-2017 Athletic Stadium In Gerusalemme
Mr. Aviv Cohen and Mr. Jacob Cohen Management of L.S.M. Industrial Technologies LtD, Israel official…
21-03-2017 Alcea Al Middle East Coating Show Di Dubai
Nella suggestiva e sfarzosa città di Dubai si è tenuta nei giorni 13, 14 e 15 Marzo…
21-02-2017 Alcea New Branch In Almaty
Almaty is the most important business center in Kazakhstan, all the time considered the center of…
03-07-2016 Somebody Up There In The Sky Loves Us
Among not too much time, a piece of the Alcea heart will see us from…
24-06-2016 Alcea France – Progetto Europeo ALGLASS
ALGLASS is a new generation of advanced liquid coatings based on polytetrafluoroethylene which will increase…